Lookie Lookie, Milk & Cookies!

Abby likes to rhyme everything these days, so this is what she says when she has something to show me. :) Now that I have a logo, I've been working on packaging and just making everything look pretty. I'd love to hear what you think!

My best client was interested in a unique Mother's Day gift for her mom, so I put together this little book for her. It's perfect for showing off the grandkids!


Thank you/referral card I put together. My starting point for the 5x5 flat card was a template from Pink Ink Studios, and I designed the wallets myself. I change the picture on the wallets for each client to make them more personal. The pochette envelope is from Envelopper in Stardream Onyx. It sparkles. :)


The envelope holding the referral card all sealed and ready to go. I bought the stickers on etsy.



I used two different colored tissue paper inside the photo box: yellow and white-and-black polka dots.


The finished product ready to be delivered.


-A said...

Those are awesome! (I really, really like your logo, it's perfect). I might need to go check out that spiral bound book - I know several people who I could make one for.

Brandi B said...

Thank you!! Josie's dad designed the logo and icon for me in exchange for pictures. :)

Brandi B said...

I just heard from both recipients and they loved it all! I'm so happy they were thrilled!

Brandi B said...
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Jessica C. said...

LOVE the entire set up! I'm designing my marketing tools right now, so fun! I've found similar stickers to use for mine, cut a little different. But they're pre-punched like the ones you have here. Do you mind sharing how did you print on them, or were you able to order them preprinted? Thank you!

Brandi B said...

Thank you, Jessica! I bought the stickers pre-printed on etsy. I just searched etsy for scalloped edge stickers to find my seller. Unfortunately, I don't think I'd recommend my seller because they don't stick very well. Also, she's in Costa Rica, so they took a very long time to arrive.