More Stuff

Designing my referral cards made me want to create more stuff! I wanted to design a welcome packet for clients that looked nice and was well put together. There are still a couple things I'd like to have press-printed, but it looks good for now. The referral info card was my jumping point and I designed the rest around it. The cropping guide was a template I purchased at Pink Ink Studios. Everything that was press-printed (cropping guide, session reminder bookmark, cd cases) were all printed at ProDPI.

Welcome Packet

The inspiration for these appointment cards (as well as for the referral cards that started it all) came from Carrie Small's guest post at Paperie Boutique.

Session Reminder Card

Welcome packet ready to go. Pochette envelopes are from Envelopper, Inc. The cd covers will also go in a pochette envelope to be included in client print orders.

Welcome Packet

CD "cases." They're 5x7 trifold cards I had printed and will stick a cd hub to. CD hubs were purchased at Shop4Tech, and the template for the cases is from Pink Ink Studios (can you tell I love their stuff). I used the layout and the wording from the template, and designed them to coordinate with the referral info card. The cd hubs are actually clear, I just didn't take the backing off to stick it. I ordered blank, printed DVDs from Nationwide Disc, but they haven't come in yet. ;)

I can't thank Clickin Moms members enough for their inspiration! I have learned so much on that site! Thank you!

CD Cover, front

CD Cover