Lauren | Colorado Springs Senior Photographer


Lauren is the daughter of one of the girls in our neighborhood bunco group. Her mom, Sherry, is a riot so I’ve loved getting to know her daughter better. Lauren is the sweetest girl ever! Such a good kid. I hope my girls are as nice as Lauren when they’re teenagers. She just started her senior year, so we had a great time playing under cover from the rain at the Flying Horse Club. It started pouring as soon as we got started! We had big plans to go to the Santa Fe trail after, but that’s going to have to wait until this weekend since everything was a soggy mess. Thankfully, there are some beautiful arches and stonework at the club so we still had a great shoot there. She is GORGEOUS, so I wasn’t about to let the weather ruin it for us! I can’t wait to shoot Lauren in a more nature-y setting this weekend since that is more *her*.


