
My neighbors had their first child almost 10 months ago, and I've had the pleasure of taking her photograph through various stages of her first year. Yesterday, we went to a nearby park to do a 9-month shoot of cute little Josie. What a fun age! She sat nicely, didn't try to escape, and gave us some great facial expressions.

Josie, 9.5ish months

Josie, 9.5ish months

Josie, 9.5ish months

Josie, 9.5ish months

Josie, 9.5ish months

Movin On Up

As you can see, I've completely revamped the ole blog. This was all inspired by my pretty new logo! My graphic artist neighbor designed it for me and I'm in love with it. I've been having so much fun giving this blog and my main photography site a facelift to match. I've also started shopping for all things bee, and I've already ordered a custom stamp and stickers with the bee icon. I hope you like it as much as I do, and I'd love to hear your opinions on it all. I'm still learning my way on site design stuff, so I hope I did it right!